Post-harvest Coffee, Dry Process & Wet Process – According to a source, determining the quality of the coffee is determined by 60% while on the farm, 30% during the roasting process, and 10% when brewed. So, the planting process up to the post-harvest process on coffee beans is a significant step and has a great impact.
After harvest, the selected red cherry is taken to a milling place to separate the beans from the flesh. The total moisture content included in the coffee beans is around 60%, so, therefore, the coffee is then dried or to adjust the moisture around 11-12%. Generally, the post-harvest process of coffee is divided into 2, the Dry Process and Wet Process.
Dry Process

The first one is Dry Process. The cherry fruit that is still complete with all the layers laid on the above particular drying table for approx 20 to 30 days. Dry process methods are mostly done in coffee-producing dry and hard-to-find water sources countries like Brazil, Ethiopia, and Indonesia that only have a dry and rainy season. With this process, cherry fruit will ferment naturally. Then the outer skin will peel off by itself, then the beans will be taken. One of this process’s weaknesses is that the dried coffee cherries are not selected. Natural processed coffee usually has a particular taste like fruit, for example, blueberry and strawberry. The acidity level of coffee tends to be low with a solid body.
Wet Process

The second is the wet process or known as washed process. This process is done more often for the production of specialty coffee. After the harvest process, the coffee cherries that have been picked are selected by immersion in water. The floating cherries wouldn’t be picked to the next step. While the sunk one’s (already ripe) skin is peeled off using particular machines called depulper. After peeling off the skin, the coffee beans will be put into the fermentation tank that is filled with water. This process sheds the remaining skin and mucus that are still attached. These processes kill a time of approximately 24 to 36 hours based on the temperature and humidity. After the sinking process is finished, then the coffee beans start the drying process. The ideal step for this drying process of the wet process consists of 3 stages. First drying, second drying decreasing the moisture, and last drying until 12%. This drying can be done under the hot sun or using machines. The fruity sensation contained in processed coffee methods usually will decreasing with higher acidity. Generally, the coffee’s aroma will be more powerful with a lighter body.
Which is better?
Which one is the better post-harvest? Of course, it can’t be answered because each process gives its advantages, character, and profile taste. Those 2 post-harvest methods are still divided into more processes. Like natural, honey process, semi-washed, and full-washed processes.